Susan Sontag on plagiarism: “I’ve used these sources and I’ve completely transformed them. There’s a larger argument to be made that all of literature is a series of references and allusions.” Will we ever use a similar argument to get LLMs off the hook?

The notion that AI-generated videos will end Hollywood seems as absurd to me as the 19th-century idea that photography would render painting obsolete.

However, just as photography led to a shift in painting’s focus away from realism, AI may also reshape the film industry in unforeseen ways.

I finally took my new axidraw SE/A1 for a drive. Plotting in large format presents new challenges, but the result is completely worth it.

This map was largely motivated by a recent cross-country trip. The question, always in my mind, was: where are all the tunnels in the US? The answer is clear from this map. The US doesn’t do tunnels. It does valleys and mountain passes.

Uncovering Uncommon Words in “City of Quartz” by Mike Davis

Recently, I finished reading “City of Quartz: Excavating the Future in Los Angeles” by Mike Davis. The book is an incredible journey through the history of Los Angeles, exploring its urban, social, and political landscapes. While diving into the story, I was struck by Davis’ unique writing style and the sheer number of uncommon terms …

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