Ubuntu 16.04: finally an update that will *not* trash your OS. Hashtag we’re-getting-there.

Feel like I should start following Oprah Winfrey myself.

Exhibit A:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnmgdH9CWnk Exhibit B:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSdIY8YStw8 Bonus Exhibit:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewmBmhQGINE chiptune SID plagiarism?

As a big fan of stroop on my pannenkoeken, I’m both shocked and strangely intrigued by the “news”.

Timelapse TSRLX Spectacular Tall Ships passing under 25 Abril bridge.

Are there any tools out there that can visualize a retweet tree? TwitterTools graph

Watching BeingThere. Also entrepreneurs -when unaware of their limitations- can do impossible things.

WhatsApp Inc. is missing the killer feature: a way to see when the blue check marks are seen by the recipients.