I think I may have finally nailed French croissants. Latest tweaks: a spoonful of gluten for a stronger flour and powdered milk to soften.
Understand, a novelette by Ted Chiang, is the best sci-fi I read this year so far. Bio-singularity for the win.
Alcohol ban in every district of Rome except where mayor lives is better than Chris Christie on the beach he closed:
Lovely. Probably a good place to plug The Lisbon Orchestra and the flute call of the amolador.
Hans Magnus Enzensberger on The radical loser (01/12/2005)
we would pity any scientist tasked with observing this fiendish demon from the UpsideDown getting its smooch game on
I haven’t felt this relieved since when I heard that Vinton Cerf was working on an interplanetary Internet.
“One of the thing that any sorcerer will tell you is that if you have the name of the spirit, you have the power over it.” ~Harold Abelson
June is gone. It will be a long time before another chance to practice my Portuguese and the art of fine metaphors with Quim Barreros! 🎶#Lx