“I thought I could organize freedom / How Scandinavian of me”
The 1999 virus “Melissa” was initially distributed in a file containing passwords for X-rated websites. Always use protection, kids.
The joy and the pain of building on top of another platform.
https://medium.com/@adammash/7-days-of-being-19797a6f689d#.nzghk5bp0 We felt it last April when FB killed parts of its API.
Interesting product and very promising technology. Awesome job Thread Genius
After nagging that Portuguese Wikipedia has < 1MM articles, I discovered that lusofonia has actually a good ratio!
Having fun visualizing the vocal range of Freddie Mercury & Bowie with Praat. What a climb!
Looking for a way to save and restore terminal tabs I found Byobu. Like looking for a passage to the Indies and discovering a continent.
Kurzweil is at it again with bringing back the dead. Exhibit A:
http://googleresearch.blogspot.pt/2016/02/on-personalities-of-dead-authors.html Exhibit B:
|Sheep| => |Shepherd| => |NULL|
Startup founders hacking immigration:
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-02-10/how-tech-startup-founders-are-hacking-immigration Foreign Startups I can feel the pain. usvisa