I actually believe that the Stipa Caproni was canceled because it offended the Italian sense of style.
Tag: video
Terri Timely – Synesthesia
Visualize your website access log like a boss. A pong boss.
Just Call Apeldoorn
The small city of Apeldoorn is home to one of the most successful Dutch insurance companies: Centraal Beheer. The company built a reputation creating tv advertisements that prove in 30 to 60-second the importance of being insured. In each ad, some kind of disaster looms (but is rarely shown) and the historical slogan reminds viewers …
Gotta go hoover the talking seal!
[Citation not needed]: Hoover was a harbor seal who was able to imitate basic human speech. […] On the British comedy panel game show QI, host Stephen Fry asked the question: “What is meant by the expression “Hoover the talking seal”?” Panelist Roger McGough answered, “Well, it’s either one of those wonderful Oz expressions for …
Retro-gaming: not just nostalgia

In which I rant about the reasons that make retro-gaming (and especially Adventure Games) fascinating and relevant today. …
Keep up with the times

The mechanism of Antikythera is an ancient Greek “Analogue computer” used to calculate astronomical positions. It’s a fascinating piece of technology that represents the earliest known mechanical clockwork: it is believed to have functioned as a set of at least 30 different bronze gears which several studies tried to reconstruct as digital or physical models. Its …
You are human, aren’t you?
I firmly believe that you want to believe that. Don’t know if Sam Vaknin is the real deal, but in the best tradition of the Turing test, if he fools the experts, he probably is. Either way, this is a chilly (but curious to watch) documentary. …