Feel like I should start following Oprah Winfrey myself.
Tag: Micro
Exhibit A:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnmgdH9CWnk Exhibit B:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSdIY8YStw8 Bonus Exhibit:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewmBmhQGINE chiptune SID plagiarism?
As a big fan of stroop on my pannenkoeken, I’m both shocked and strangely intrigued by the “news”.
Giovanni Muscolo: nomen est omen.
Timelapse TSRLX Spectacular Tall Ships passing under 25 Abril bridge.
Timelapsing in Lisbon.
Are there any tools out there that can visualize a retweet tree? TwitterTools graph
Watching BeingThere. Also entrepreneurs -when unaware of their limitations- can do impossible things.
WhatsApp Inc. is missing the killer feature: a way to see when the blue check marks are seen by the recipients.
“The times are changed, old systems fall, And new life o’er their ruins dawns”