I’ve been re-ordering my stash of drafts and found some experiments I totally forgot about, like this netrunner straight outta Neuromancer.
Tag: Micro
Susan Sontag on plagiarism: “I’ve used these sources and I’ve completely transformed them. There’s a larger argument to be made that all of literature is a series of references and allusions.” Will we ever use a similar argument to get LLMs off the hook?
Very proud of having collaborated with Daniela de Paulis on this project. A Sign in Space imagines how Earth might respond to a signal from aliens and invites the public to help decode an ET message.
“Kleopatra taking a holiday to Northern Italy but didn’t quite get the memo about traveling light!
Here’s hoping the Po Valley has enough parking for a 270 km rock star!
Well written, Ernie Smith. Warhol would have loved to create variations on iconic images and stretch the distinctions between high art and commercial/mass-produced art using text-to-image models.
I finally took my new axidraw SE/A1 for a drive. Plotting in large format presents new challenges, but the result is completely worth it.
This map was largely motivated by a recent cross-country trip. The question, always in my mind, was: where are all the tunnels in the US? The answer is clear from this map. The US doesn’t do tunnels. It does valleys and mountain passes.