EthicalMachines So well said. Coupling work and meaning.
Tag: Micro
Yo moriré en italiano.
I have the feeling that since I started using it again Twitter is doing worse and worse. Already time to move on oTemporaOMores
Do you know how siphonophorae reproduce? This is absurd and hilarious.
When I pick a recursion stopping criterion.
The stoic approach is to set high goals, ignore them and finally rejoice if they are somehow met.
What is the minimum number of bytes a digital work can consist of and become someone’s intellectualproperty? 434.
Don’t know how I didn’t catch this before. Brilliant audio-visualization of sorting algorithms.
Every once in a while it still happens: a wikipedia page that doesn’t exist. Spanish/Argentine Carlos Ochagavía Ilarraza, scifi illustrator
Reviewing applications for a startup incubator. Interesting how presentations are too technical OR too businessy & detached from the world.