If I were to actually go on and make the bilingual book-reader app a reality, this would be my Epic and child stories: “As a language student, I want to practice my skills and increase my vocabulary while doing what I really would like to do instead: reading adventure books.” 1.1 As a language learner I …
Tag: macro
Idea for a frictionless bilingual reader – competitor analysis

It doesn’t happen often these days that I read a book in two languages, but that is mostly due to my laziness. Reading in a foreign language was very important for me in the acquisition of English and Spanish, so it’s not surprising that improving my Portuguese and my Dutch has almost come to a …
Hello world!
Hi there, welcome to my blog. I’m Giacomo, a computer scientist with an interest in startups, art and the meaning of it all. I am collecting here ideas, sketches, links and some commentaries about technology, aesthetics, entrepreneurship and the World. I believe in an interdisciplinary approach to the moral problems and life of the XXI …