“We find ourselves suddenly threatened by hordes of Yankee emigrants, who have already begun to flock into our country, and whose progress we cannot arrest.”

Pío Pico, last governor of Alta California (now State of California), 1846


Reading air

[Citation not needed] A common phrase “Ba no Kuuki wo Yomu”, “understanding the situation without words” or “sensing someone’s feelings”, is a very important concept for understanding Japanese culture. […] Sensing and practicing “Bano Kuuki wo Yomu” is considered social manners or social intelligence in Japan. Unlike the individualistic and expressive cultures in Western countries, …

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Gelato Jilatu

I think it was my brother who first introduced me to the concept of Wiki-nationalism. This happens when an article on Wikipedia says very different things in different languages, reflecting the point of view of a given country or culture. I remember laughing while reading the article on Christopher Columbus in English, Spanish and Italian. The English …

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