Attention is all you need.

Attention is all you need.
This recent interview with Douglas Hofstadter reinforces in me the idea that even before any risk of misalignment, the biggest risk already upon us is a crisis of motivation.
“Computational entity” sounds a lot more ominous than “bot”.
I tried my best at responding to some very pertinent questions.
I am inspired by the notion that chain-of-thought reasoning in language models is a side product of training on code. But I also would like to see more evidence.
A few days ago, I woke up to the news that Slavoj Žižek wrote an article published on Die Zeit (behind paywall) about my latest work, the Infinite Conversation. I was elated to realize that the project had eventually landed on his desk, and overjoyed to see that he opened his article, in perfect Žižekian …
After googling the answer to a technical question for several minutes, with no good leads, I finally got a correct one-shot answer using GPT-3 using the same query as prompt. It’s happening.
Easy enough even for Dall-e.
Inspiration from:
I agree with the position stated in this post.