Check out my latest project, WikiBinge. Discover how all things are vaguely connected.
Building Machines That Learn and Think Like People: interesting (and lengthy) read on the state of the art. ai
Trying to make sense of a massive wikipedia graph visualization…
We are cruel and anthropocentric.
Uploaded an old experiment on fish school simulation on vimeo:
The USA have berlusconosis. Delete My Shadow Profile nails it again, Drumpf is a strong déjà vu for Italians.
Our interest in decades peaked on 1980. I always said it, from 1981 it’s all downhill.
Belgian flag is displayed on Lisbon City Hall in tribute to victims of BrusselsAttacks
WikiBinge (noun | /ˈwiːkiˈbinj/): Compulsive urge to read linking wikis for a long amount of time.
Idea for a song: all the instruments are played by human voices, while the singing is performed by a speech synthesizer.