The mechanism of Antikythera is an ancient Greek “Analogue computer” used to calculate astronomical positions. It’s a fascinating piece of technology that represents the earliest known mechanical clockwork: it is believed to have functioned as a set of at least 30 different bronze gears which several studies tried to reconstruct as digital or physical models. Its …
Gugolaglielo: “Search that on Google for him/her”. Italian language can be quite flexible and compact!
The one sentence from Westworld (1972) that stood the test of time.
Donald Trump is making satire great again.
The uncomfortable feeling when you realize that you are EXACTLY the target market for a product and you are not a special, unique snowflake.
Fantastic viz of AlexNet, graphcore Had to think of Haeckel. It’s beginning to look a lot like life.
Inappropriate use of linkedin: broadcast to your entire network that you added your native language as a “skill”.
You are human, aren’t you?
I firmly believe that you want to believe that. Don’t know if Sam Vaknin is the real deal, but in the best tradition of the Turing test, if he fools the experts, he probably is. Either way, this is a chilly (but curious to watch) documentary. …
Ethical training should start in the crib, not as part of a specialized curriculum. Hope we’re still on time.
Working on a Music Playlist Generator of sorts
In which I dump metadata for 1.3 million artists and wonder what to do with it next. Spoiler alert: it’s a bipolar playlist generator. …