Today a public advocate for the hacker tribe had to inform me that some browsers silently extract gzips on download.

Oh Lord of Dataism, save us from a W.E.I.R.D. uber-intelligence.

softbank taking over of Boston Dynamics feels right for a Japanese company. And continues the trend of Asian techs buying Western ones.

What ever happened to Chris Cunningham? Miss his wicked beat sync-ed music videos.

Value your craft and pursue excellence in it;share what you create;never fear to go up against a monopoly;be loyal to your peers in the work

Protip – Startup pitch to apply to a startup incubator: reading from a script always results in a less impressive performance. Improvise!

ai “Humans are showing unprecedented interest in the fate of so-called lower life forms, perhaps because they are about to become one.” YNH

dystopia, a slow, but steadily increasing interest.