Zazzle dazzle. So easy.
Making portraits with Michael Fogleman Primitive ( ) 200 polygons – the resulting compressed SVG weighs only 3kB.
Cosa pensano gli inglesi e gli americani delle elezioni del 4 Marzo:
Tonight: seitan stir fry!
Existing governance perceived as completely inadequate for our AI overlord.
I bet Blade Runner 2049 played a part in spreading the idea of deepfakes.
Need more weirdness
Los últimos dos episodios de Radio Ambulante son maravillosos! “Wara” (cómo un hombre de clase media termina vendiendo su cuerpo –femenino– en una esquina oscura de un bar virtual) y “Las hijas Maria Senhorinha” (la historia de una noticia falsa sobre un pueblo brasilero y mas).
TIL that Marvin Minsky, cognitive scientist and AI researcher, is believed to have been cryonically preserved by Alcor. I find the thought somewhat reassuring. Like knowing that you have a good lasagna in the fridge.
Amazed by the notifications I am getting from all kind of apps, suggesting me to “celebrate love”. What a kind of marketer believes that a File Manager could be a good Valentine’s day gift? Expecting a self-deprecating downfall for this overrated ploy.