In 2016 the news of an auto shop in Poland still using a Commodore 64 for balancing driveshafts became very popular. The idea of a 25 years old computer still performing its task seemed to both fuel the story of ancient technology being sturdier than the modern one, and instill respect towards a mechanic who refuses to bend …
The US is the only place where trains are so slow that if you miss one you can grab a burger, then take an uber to the next station and still have time to catch your train.
Happy new year, wishing to find that place where text copied and never pasted goes to.
I think I’ll go and make myself a procedurally generated self to surprise me once again.
Hapalochlaena lunulata. If that doesn’t scream I’M POISONOUS at you, I don’t know what will.
Among the fine things on sale on
Terri Timely – Synesthesia
Visualize your website access log like a boss. A pong boss.
Reading air
[Citation not needed] A common phrase “Ba no Kuuki wo Yomu”, “understanding the situation without words” or “sensing someone’s feelings”, is a very important concept for understanding Japanese culture. […] Sensing and practicing “Bano Kuuki wo Yomu” is considered social manners or social intelligence in Japan. Unlike the individualistic and expressive cultures in Western countries, …