When Italians were the “enemy alien”.
http://www.lavocedinewyork.com/en/news/2017/01/29/when-we-were-the-muslims/ MuslimBan
Giorni della merla is the new Groundhog day.
Just discovered the fascinating work of visual artist and musician Kasumi.
A bust of 10 years old me is being exposed at the Sale del Bramante, Rome. Hoc quale caput est, sed cerebrum non habet. Thanks Mary!
My form of climate change denial: packing away summer clothes in January.
MachineLearning for surfers. Tho a training set of 1k waves would still be too small for a machine. Love his style!
Só neste país É que se diz: ‘Só neste país’
Martim Moniz è l’ombelico del mondo.
Loved every slide of this presentation on Superintelligence: The Idea That Eats Smart People.
The multilingual verses of Antoine Cassar. Still trying to figure out if it works. Though the audio version is cool.