The uncomfortable feeling when you realize that you are EXACTLY the target market for a product and you are not a special, unique snowflake.
Fantastic viz of AlexNet, graphcore Had to think of Haeckel. It’s beginning to look a lot like life.
Inappropriate use of linkedin: broadcast to your entire network that you added your native language as a “skill”.
Ethical training should start in the crib, not as part of a specialized curriculum. Hope we’re still on time.
“[For teens] selling out is not selling out anymore, it’s like getting a brass ring” Eye opening doc. Quote graphcore 43m29s
Idea for a prank: replace all emojis on a device with Egyptian hieroglyphics.
Was joking with Fred Rocha about crowdsourcing The Clock. Turns out the Internet has already done everything
I could spend all day watching n-body simulations with my new NVIDIA. Parallelism for the masses.
Thanks TheFreeDictionary for this wonderful self referential explanation of what ACRONYM stands for.
Turn your training set into a card game?