How does this video have only 74 views? This is the best thing I’ve seen in the last hour.
Living legend John Cleese.
All messages are forced to be very short due to the ~140 character limit thus they are all de facto laconic phrases.
FishermensTrail is a thing of beauty.
I really enjoyed this documentary on the Polybious legend.
In a far future, when English becomes an obsolete language spoken by few, they will say “Common Language” instead of “Lingua Franca”.
I enjoyed this piece on the Premium Mediocre Life of Maya Millennial via Ribbonfarm
Fantastic GoogleEarth. Greetings from Shiashkotan.
Behold the Sarychev volcano erupting on June 12, 2009, as seen from the InternationalSpaceStation.
I liked MasterOfNone, but the Italy shown is stuck in idealized 60s and the Italians portrayed are trite caricatures.